Saturday, August 17, 2013

Steiner Sports 13 Rules of Golf Framed (Original Version)

Steiner Sports 13 Rules of Golf Framed (Original Version)

Ever wonder where the rules of golf came from Look no further than this plaque which recounts the 13 Rules of Golf. Back in 1744 to ensure that all players participating in the first recorded golf competition at Leith Links were abiding by the same rules the Gentleman Golfers of Leith soon to become the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers drafted and posted the Original 13 Rules of Golf. Golf like every sport evolved over the years and so did the rules but most of the old rules still apply. Among the rules You must Tee your Ball within a club length of the hole You are not to change the Ball which you strike off the Tee You are not to remove Stones Bones or any Break club for the sake of playing your Ball Except upon the fair green and that only within a Club length of your Ball. The original 13 rules of golf is custom framed in a gold leaf frame with double matting. Dimensions: 20' x 12'

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